These shatterproof sheets combine the attractive appearance and long term outdoor durability of cast acrylic with the strength and translucent beauty of the glass fibers. Whites and colors intended for signs and displays have these fibers to impart strength and durability, but they are not visible.
Standard varieties of LUMAsite sheets are manufactured in the following sheet sizes (minimum order quantities may apply): 3' x 8' , 3' x 10' , 4' x 6' , 4' x 8' and 4' x 10'. The Frost-SOS, White 1000-SOS, White 1020, and Yellow 02037 varieties are also available in larger sheet sizes (up to 5' x 12').
In most lighting and architectural varieties, the fibers are deliberately visible, lending an exotic "silken cobweb" effect. Graceful rice paper and frosted effects, translucent and opaque white varieties, delicate tints, bright colors, and fabric and mesh embedments offer architects and designers many choices for lighting and translucent panels.
LUMAsite® is American Acrylic's trademark for fiberglass-reinforced acrylic panels, and for fiberglass-reinforced acrylic-modified polyester panels.